Sept 2012



Description : 1 mur, 184 compte Phrasée ABC, 1 tag (c)

Niveau : Débutant / intermédiaire

Musique : "Oppa Gangnam Style" par Psy (CD : 3:39)

Chorégraphe : Mayee M'sia

Chorégraphie traduite en français visible sur cette page:

Téléchargement de la feuille de pas / stepsheet download :

feuille de pas traduction française (french stepsheet)
trad gangnam style.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 173.7 KB
feuille de pas anglaise
Gangnam Style.docx
Document Microsoft Word 19.8 KB

Prévisualisation directe de la chorégraphie:


Gangnam Style



Choreographer : Mayee Lee, M’sia (Sept’ 2012)

Music : Oppa Gangnam Style by Psy (CD : 3:39)

Descriptions : PH 184 count – 1 wall – Easy Intermediate K-Pop line dance

Sequence of dance : ABC ABC A- Tag C- Ending

Intro : Start after 32 counts


Part A (64 counts)

Sec 1 : Side, Recover, Side, Recover, Cross, Touch, Back, Jump Feet Apart

1 2 3 4 Rock Rt to Rt(1), recover on Lt(2), rock Rt to Rt(3), recover on Lt(4)

(hand styling :hold fist raise elbow at shoulder level, open both arms out, in, out, in(1-4))

5 6 7 8 Cross Rt over Lt(5), touch Lt to Lt(6), step Lt back(7), jump feet apart(8) 12.00


Sec 2 : Out, Out, Knee Clap, Hip Bump RLRL

1 2 3 4 Step Rt out(1), step Lt out(2), clap both knees together(3), straighten both knees(4)

5 6 7 8 Bump hip to R L R L(5-8) 12.00


Sec 3 : Paddle ¼ Turn L (x3), Together, Chest Bump, ¼ Turn L Touch

1 2 3 4 Weight on Lt ¼ turn L touch Rt to Rt(1)(9.00), ¼ turn L touch Rt to Rt(2)(6.00), ¼ turn L touch Rt to Rt(3)(3.00), slightly jump Rt together Lt(4) 3.00

5 6 7 8 Chest bump 3 times(5-7), ¼ turn L touch Rt to Rt & weight on Lt(8) 12.00


Sec 4 : Cross, Touch, Cross, Touch, Back, Back, Back, Touch

1 2 3 4 Cross Rt over Lt(1), touch Lt to Lt(2), cross Lt over Rt(3), touch Rt to Rt(4)

(hand styling:raise both arms from bottom to top from sideway(1-2), move arms down from top

to bottom from sideway(3-4))

5 6 7 8 Step back R L R(5-7), touch Lt beside Rt(8) 12.00


Sec 5 - Sec 8 : Sec 5 To 8 are the Mirror Set (opposite) from Sec 1 to 4 (Part A)

(Sec 1 to 4 are start from Rt foot)

(Sec 5 to 8 are start from Lt foot)


Part B (56 counts)

Sec 1 : Walk Forward R L , Knee Out In Out, Body Roll x2

1 2 3&4 Step forward R L(1-2), touch Rt out to diagonally R wiggle Rt knee out, in, out(3&4)

(hand styling : hold L fist raise elbow at shoulder level wiggle Lt elbow out, in, out(3&4))

5 6 7 8 Body roll diagonally R twice(5-8) 12.00


Sec 2 : Forward, Pivot 1/4 Turn L, , Step, Touch, ¼ Turn L, Side, Hold x2

1 2 3 4 Step Rt forward(1), pivot ¼ turn L step on Lt(2)(9.00), step Rt to Rt(3), touch Lt beside Rt(4) 9.00

5 6 7 8 ¼ turn L step Lt forward(5)(6.00), step Rt to Rt(6), hold x2(7-8) 6.00

(hand styling : raise both arms up & down(7-8)


Sec 3 : Penguin Move ¼ Turn L (x2), Pop L Knee, Hold, Pop R Knee, Hold

1 2 3 4 Step Rt forward(1), ¼ turn L step on Lt(2)(3.00), step Rt forward(3), ¼ turn L step on Lt(4) (12.00)

(hand styling : when you do the Penguin move, straighten both hands & knees) 12.00

5 6 7 8 Pop Lt knee(5), hold(6), pop Rt knee(7), hold(8) 12.00



Sec 4 : Walk Forward R L, Forward, Pivot ½ Turn L (x 2), Out, Out

1 2 3 4 Step forward R L R(1-3), pivot ½ turn L step Lt forward(4) 6.00

5 6 7 8 Step Rt forward(5), pivot ½ turn L step Lt forward(6)(12.00), step Rt out(7), step L out(8) 12.00


Sec 5 : Bounce Both Knees With Toes Up (x8)

&1&2&3&4 Slightly bend both knees(&), straighten both knees with toes lift up(1), repeat 3 times

&5&6&7&8 Repeat &1 to &4 12.00

(hand styling : point Rt hand forward(1), point Lt hand forward(2), point Rt hand up(3),

point Lt hand up(4), put both hands behind ears(5), put both hands by side(6),

cross Rt hand down(7), cross Lt hand down(8))


Sec 6 : Run On Spot (x7 Start From R), Jump Both Feet Apart

1 – 7 Small run on spot with shoulder shake R L R L R L R(1-7)

8 Jump feet apart & face down(8) 12.00


Sec 7 : Hold (x8)

1 - 8 Hold 8 counts


Part C (64 Counts)

Sec 1 : Bounce R L R R, Bounce L R L L

1 2 3 4 Bounce on R L R R(1-4)

5 6 7 8 Bounce on L R L L(5-8) 12.00

(hand styling : hold both fists wiggle down up down down & cross in front at waist level(1-4),

hold both fists wiggle up down up up & cross in front of waist level(5-8))

Sec 2 : Bounce R L R R, Bounce L R L L

1 2 3 4 Bounce on R L R R(1-4)

5 6 7 8 Bounce on L R L L(5-8) 12.00

(hand styling : hold Lt fist & raise up elbow at chest level, hold Rt fist up & roll your fist anti- clockwise(1-4), repeat the same hand movement for (5-8)


Sec 3 : Repeat Part C (Section 1) 12.00

Sec 4 : Repeat Part C (Section 2) 12.00


Sec 5 : Repeat Part C (Sec 1), first step ¼ turn R bounce Rt to Rt 3.00

Sec 6 : Repeat Part C (Sec 2), first step ¼ turn R bounce Rt to Rt 6.00

Sec 7 : Repeat Part C (Sec 1), first step ¼ turn R bounce Rt to Rt 9.00

Sec 8 : Repeat Part C (Sec 2), first step ¼ turn R bounce Rt to Rt 12.00


Tag (8 counts)

1 - 8 : Hold 8 counts

(hand styling : straighten both hands & face down(1-4), hold Lt fist & raise up elbow at shoulder level, hold Rt fist up & roll your fist anti-clockwise(5-8))


Ending (4 counts)

1 – 4 : Step Rt to Rt(1), Kick Lt to diagonally R(2), step Lt to Lt(3), bend Lt knee, stretch Rt Leg & pose(4)


Note : Please enjoy the dance with your own attitude & hand styling or refer to my demo on Youtube site


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