Description: 4 murs, 32 comptes
Niveau : Débutant
Musique : Hey, Mr. Honeymoon / Kitty Kayrousso
Chorégraphe : Frank Giebel (Allemagne)
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Hey, Mr. Honeymoon
The dance begins at 24 Counts
Back Rock, Shuffle fwd, step ¼ Turn Shuffle Cross
1-2 Step right back, recover weight onto left
3&4 Shuffle forward (r - l - r)
5-6 Step forward and ¼ turn Right on both (weight to right)
7&8 Left more than right foot, Step right slightly to right side, Cross left over right
Side rock, cross shuffle, shuffle ½ turn point behind,shuffle fwd
1-2 Step right to side, recover - recover weight onto left
3&4 right over left foot, step left to left side, cross right over left
5-6 Left toe back, turn ½ left on the balls (3 clock)
7&8 Shuffle forward (r - l – r)
Rock Step, Shuffle ½ turn, JAZZ BOX
1-2 Step left forward, left foot - weight back onto right
3&4 ¼ turn left stepping left to left side - Step right beside left, ¼ turn left stepping
forward on left
5-6 right leg crossed in front of the left leg, put the left back
7-8 to the right place, step left beside right
Rocking Chair, Heel & Heel & Heel clap 2x
1-2 Step forward on right, rock left heel, recover onto left
3-4 Step back on right, left heel lift, recover onto left
5& Rights heel forward, Step right beside left
6& Touch left heel forward, step left beside right
7 Right heel forward
&8 Clap Clap
Start from the beginning and have fun ;-))