Angry Baby

Mai 2011

Description: 40 comptes, 3 murs( 12, 3, 9), 5 restart
Niveau : Débutant
Musique : Angry/LPG
Chorégraphe : Mayee Lee, Msia & Li (Michelle) M’sia

Intro: départ après 32 comptes à partir de la boîte à rythme. 3 murs (12h00/3h00/9h00)

Section 1: : Prissy Walk R L, Rock R Forward, Recover, R Back, Together
1, 2, 3, 4Cross Rt over Lt, hold, cross Lt over Rt, hold
5, 6, 7, 8Rock Rt forward, recover on Lt, step Rt back, step Lt together with Rt

Section 2: : R Out, L Out, R In, L In, Shimmy Down & Up
1, 2, 3, 4Step Rt out to diagonally Rt, step Lt out to diagonally Lt, step Rt in, step Lt in
5, 6, 7, 8Shimmy down, shimmy up (in place)

Section 3: : L Heel Touch Twice, Together, Rt HeelTouch, Hold, Together, Step L Side, Hold, Sit, Hold
1, 2 & 3, 4Touch Lt heel twice diagonal to Lt, close Lt together with Rt, touch Rt heel to diagonal Rt, hold
& 5, 6Step Rt together with Lt, step Lt to Lt (Raise both hands up), hold
7, 8Sit on Lt (put down both hands at the side), hold

Section 4: : Twist & Sit R, ¼ Turn Lt, R Forward, ¼ Turn Lt, R Cross Shuffle, ¼ Turn L Forward L Shuffle
1, 2, 3, 4Twist both heels to Rt & sit on Rt, ¼ turn Lt step on Lt (9.00), step Rt forward, ¼ turn Lt recover on Lt (6.00)
5& 6Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt to Lt, cross Rt over Lt (6.00)
7 & 8¼ turn Lt forward Lt shuffle L R L
Have fun with your own styling !!!!!!!

Tags (4 counts) : End of wall 1 (3.00) & wall 5 (3.00)
1 2 3 4(R Rocking Chair) Rock Rt forward, recover on Lt, rock Rt back, recover on Lt

Restart 1: 2me & 6me mur (3.00), faire les 28 premiers comptes & restart face à 9h00
Restart 2:
3me & 7me mur (9h00), faire les 16 premiers comptes & restart au même mur.
  9me mur (12h00), faire les 16 premiers comptes & restart au même mur.

Ending : 10me mur (12h00), danser 30 comptes(R cross shuffle), "½ turn Lt back" sur le mur de midi et faire "forward Lt shuffle" (12h00), puis danser 16 comptes pour finir face à 12h00

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