for You

Mai 2012

For You demo 1

For You demo 2

Stepsheet / feuille de pas
Fiche de pas en Anglais
For You.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 156.4 KB

Prévisualisation directe de la danse:

For You



Description : line dance,32 counts, 2 wall, 1 restart

Level : beginner

Music : Rasen /Chihiro Onitsuka (of the french movie « Wasabi »)

              Love is a Pain / New Age

Choreographer : Nathalie Lagache

dedicate to choreographer Li (Michelle)




Start after 32 counts/ restart wall 2 after 4 counts

Sect 1 : [1-8]

Shuffle fwd R, Shuffle fwd L, Rock recover, Shuffle back R


1&2 R forward, L behind R, R forward

3&4 L fwd, R behind L, L fwd (restart wall 2)

5-6 R fwd, recover onto L

7&8 R back step, L next to R, R back step


sect 2 : [9-16]

Triple step pivot ½ turn, Shuffle fwd R, Rock recover, Coaster step


1&2 L back step, pivot ½ turn left, R fwd, L fwd 6:00

3&4 R fwd, L behind R, R fwd

5-6 L fwrd, recover onto R

7&8 L back step, R next to R, L a little fwd



Sweep, Cross shuffle, Sweep ¼ turn, Shuffle fwd R, Syncopated Rock recover, Cross Side


1&2 Sweep with R & cross over L, L to left, R over L

3&4 Sweep with L ¼ turn right, L fwd, R behind L, L fwd 9:00

5&6 R fwd, recover weight onto left toe, recover weight onto R

7-8 Cross L over R, R on the right side


Sect 4 : [25-32]

Behind Side Cross, Chasse R, Cross rock, Recover, Sweep ¼ turn Coaster step


1&2 L behind R, R on the right side, cross L over R

3&4 R on th right side, L next to R, R on the right side

5-6 Cross L fwd R, recover onto R

7&8 Sweep with L ¼ turn left, L back step, R next to L, L fwd 6:00


Enjoy it !

L: left foot

R: right foot

fwd : forward

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